Hello blog world... It's been a very very very very very long time. I just read through the entirety of my posts and realized I stopped writing approx 2 years ago... The time has flown by. It's funny that my last post is about change and yet it seems to be a recurring theme in life.
The changes going on -
In Jan. '11 I met the most wonderful woman on the face of the planet. Her name if you didn't know is Amanda Sanges. She is the greatest blessing I could ever ask for. On November 12, 2011 she made me the luckiest guy in the world by agreeing to marry me. Our wedding is scheduled for Aug 11, 2012. The planning is going great, namely because I have had little to nothing to do with it/mess it up. I'm very excited but obviously with this happening life will change a lot very quickly.
I currently don't work for Pepsi anymore. It was a great place to work for the time I was there and was a great way to get back on my feet for the last 2+ years. In Jan '12 I was hired at UNCG! GO SPARTANS!!! I work in the office of Undergraduate Studies and my job can easily be explained as the in house IT guy. It's a dream. I have loved the last 4 months and am excited about that change in my life.
A couple of weeks ago I was given one of the greatest compliments I think I have ever received. Mrs. Jaime told me that she hold told Pastor Craig that when her daughter was to start dating that she would hope it would be with somebody that was growing in their walk with the Lord like I have been. That blew me away. I was in awe that she had noticed so much change in me in the past year and a half that I have lived here. Oh yea.... I moved in with the Pastor's family back in OCT '10 after that jerk John went off and got married. :)
Other Big Changes:
My brother got engaged shortly after I did, and he and His Fiance have/are moving to Chapel Hill which is right down the road and much closer than Wilmington. I'm excited to have them so close.
So.. there are the updates... now to what I'm really here for.....
You can tell from the above descriptions that Life has changed drastically. I look back to the post I wrote on Dec 1, '09 and think wow... I was a completely different person then, and that was just a few short years ago. Life has a way of molding a person. The problem is with what you let mold you. We've had some new things changing in the church lately and without getting too far into it I have taken over as the Lead Sound person for the Kirk. An honor and a curse. It requires me to be at worship every Sunday at 8:30am. It also requires a lot of headaches I'm pretty sure :) Though it can be hard I often times find it rewarding. Also I've had to transition a lot from thinking and taking care of myself to putting others, specifically Amanda at the top of my priorities list. We are saving money right now and I'm having to pay for the Honeymoon which is probably the single most expensive thing I have ever had to pay for, not to mention Diamonds to go on fingers aren't cheap either ;) That girl better know I love her. HAHA. I've become a lot more embracing to change though. I think I have a better grasp on the faith it requires to stop trying to be the director and lead actor in my own life. Wow... I just came up with that on my own, I like it. I need to let the Lord be the director and have the comfy chair and stand in front of the cameras and say director what shall I do, and I think I have done a pretty good job of that lately. Amazing blessings have come out of this changing and tonight I actually go to teach our TNT small group about this very subject... what is change and how does it influence your life/mood/attitude/fullfilment?
Anywho.... Don't know how much writing I'll be doing because I said I'd try to write more last time and it only took me 2 years :(
Hope you enjoy.
Music Choice for this week:
Secrets - The best that you can't be
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