Sunday, November 1, 2009

The importance of people!

So i haven't written in a while cause life is moving at twice the speed i have become acustomed to in my unemployed life but that might become the norm very soon. More details when that becomes final.

But in the midst of having life move so quickly an otter like me gets swept up in all the business and chaos and we have such a hard time getting our feet on the ground cause we didn't have a plan.. so life has been very different this past week.

One thing i think that i have been able to stop and see though is the important part that friends and relatives and others play in your life. Both good an bad.

To start off, at worship this morning our pastor spoke on 3 different ways that sin tries to get at us. I won't explain all 3 but the one that effected me the most was what he called the "bug zapper."

The bug zapper is basically something that looks very enticing.. something that seems to be what we want. Nothing looks bad, it's all fun and games and then all of a sudden ZAP! we get hurt by it.

I look back at my college career and i don't do a very good job of looking forward to what might hurt me later i like to fly toward the light and wait for the zap to realize.. crap.. that wasn't a good idea.

This is where i think my friends are the best remedy. The Lord did not instill in me the ability to see these things coming... but my friends can sure tell me in a heart beat. Problem is i'm stubborn as my dad.... (Love ya pops... but you are stubborn.. ask mom)

But for real I don't like to listen when somebody says... that's not going to be good for you. I like to think of excuses like... let me make my own mistakes and i'll learn from them.. and how do you know you've never done it. Or the all time favorite that makes its way into my head... You and I are different so I know what's best for me.

Scary one right there.... that'll get you in some trouble!

I really just want to take the time to thank people. Close friends, especially my roomates, my church families, Pastor Childs, and i think most importantly is my parents.

I did a lot of stupid things growing up... wanna see?
yea, that's me before i graduated high school... oh the stipid years. i had the spike braclets and i had all the "goth/punk" clothing and i drove my parents crazy. Loud hard rock music, spent too much time in my solitary room. Cussed, and complained, and always talked about how bad life sucked.

I thought it did, i thought life was a dismal place that only got worse. Contimplated suicide a couple of times... short times, but if i'm being honest it really wasn't ever an option just an idea cause it didn't seem worth facing that idea that it wasn't going to get better. And the fact of the matter was.. i was doing stupid things that were going to hurt me that my friends and family were telling me not to do. They might not know it, cause i don't know if i've ever shared it, but i thank my friends and family for still being here, not just alive, but in the place i am in with all the blessings i have and for being who i am today.

Ask anybody and most of you would hopefully agree, that i am one of the most genuinely happy people you'll come across.

Wow.. i think i'm way off topic, but it's late... but my point is... My family and friends back then, and even my new friends and "families" play a huge role in my life. The love i have for it, and the enjoyment that i'll continue to get out of it.

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

So anyway, i write this in tribute to all of you... who encourage me to keep on... to avoid the bug zappers, and by all means love and live life to the full.


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