Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things to think about...

So i met with Craig Childs for lunch today. We met at AppleBees and just talked about life. I have to admit that Craig over the last year has become as much of a friend as a pastor to me. The great thing is that the same excited pastor that gets up on Sunday morning cares about the members of the church every other day of the week as well. We get together every now and then just to talk about things and I always walk away somehow influenced or inspired in someway when i leave.

Today was no different. We talked about the fact that lately i've been learning my defensive mechanism to deal with my own sin is to not deal with it at all. "out of sight out of mind" works all too well for me. I put things off until i end up getting hurt/hurting somebody else and being smacked in the face with it end up having to deal with whatever i have been avoiding eventually.

He asked me a question that was all too hard to answer on the spot and i think i am going to think a lot about and it stemmed from the fact that a year ago i was in a very bad place. I was living by myself, apart from fellowship with fellow believers and i was living in a world that i could just avoid that sin to where i am today that i LIVE with and around believers all the time and am constantly growing due to that fellowship. The past year has been an amazing transition for me. I've met a lot of different, influential people in my life and seem to have lost touch with some people that i think were not always bad but not always good for me either. I also think that finding a new church home that i love and enjoy has made a huge difference in my life. It all started at the Hyder wedding. I remember enjoying seeing everybody i had missed towards the end of my college experience and lost touch with. They were all there. And the great thing was we weren't associated with a group or a set of people. We were just friends... some good, some acquaintances and all fun. The difference i saw was just being together with them was causing joy, happiness, fun! Things i had missed out a lot on the months before that. I decided there that i was going to dive head first into fellowship again. Here we are a year later and i'm so thankful that the lord brought me to that wedding and broke me and my hard heart to understand that i was missing something and i wouldn't trade where i am right now for any part of the life i was leading before.

BACK TO THE QUESTION... lol.. that was a tangent obviously but still important.

The question was... where do i want my life to be in a year? Have you ever thought about that. And if so did you have a hard time coming up with the answer. I said general stuff like i hoped i'd be dating somebody, and growing in my faith and yadda yadda yadda but i really hadn't started thinking about what i hoped the Lord would work in my life in the next 12 months. Big things are going to happen. Things are going to change and in big ways i'm sure. I'm excited to see where they go and i'm going to be doing some more thinking about what i'd like to see.

Also i got to work out today with Leslie which was awesome cause she's a trip and i just really enjoy hanging out with her. I'm so glad that we have been able to hang out more and more lately. She makes me laugh which has been a blessing in a time of some hardships. I know any time i hang out with Leslie that we are going to have a good time and though it might be extremely akward at times we enjoy those moments too. We must cause they keep happening... lol :D

- Total Weight Loss = 12.4 lbs
- Willingness to face sin

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All New Blog - Life right now

So it's 11:45 on a Tuesday and I've finally decided to start blogging. A lot of people i know have been blogging for a long time now and the more i read from them the more i thought I'd like to put my thoughts down. If you read them... awesome, if nobody does, at least i feel like i have gotten my thoughts out.
The subject of this first blog is about life and how sometimes you have to go through hard times and why we do that.

So almost 3 months ago i lost a job that i had started to become comfortable in. For a long time i didn't understand how the Lord was going to better me through this situation. Just to open up a little i will admit some hardships I've gone through. I've been recently tight on money, becoming more and more faithless in this situation because i can't see a light at the end of the tunnel and my "happy go lucky" "everything is going to work out in the end" outlook has seem to have been tested thoroughly. I'm an otter... and if you don't know what i mean by that take a look at this.

My otterness is being tested and my scenic is coming out more and more. But recently i have had a couple of revelations - God has an ultimate plan and my life is going to have the path that the Lord chooses for me, not necessarily the one that i think is best.
  • Romans 8:28 -And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whob]"> have been called according to his purpose.
And that i shouldn't give up my search but not worry so much as to being provided for.
  • Matthew 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
What i have started to learn through a new opportunity possibly presenting itself and through talking with members of my church i have now realized that these verses point me to a direction that will 1. make living unemployed easier and less stressful and 2. will make me rely on the Lord more and in turn let me know what my current purpose is. All things pointing to the glory of God discovering the purpose i currently have is priority number one.

- Possible Job Opportunity with a company in Greensboro
-Weight loss count of -10.8 lbs.

Music suggestion:
Owl City